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Date: August 27th 1943
Mrs. W. M. Mouat
F. W. Tuffrey (Canadian Red Cross)

The Canadian Red Cross Society
August 27th, 1943.

Mrs. W. M. Mouat,
Ganges, B. C.

Dear Mrs. Mouat:

We were very pleased to note in the Press that your son, who had previously been listed as missing, is now reported a prisoner of war. We are entering your name on our mailing list to receive the "Prisoner of War" magazine; this is a monthly publication giving reports on the prisoner of war camps visited by the International Red Cross representative, as well as excerpts from prisoners' letters.

We are forwarding to you under separate cover a Red Cross pamphlet giving a very full account of the work of our Society with the prisoners of war, a map showing the location of the prisoner of war camps, and also a booklet issued by the Postmaster General concerning communication with prisoners. Full particulars of the next-of-kin parcel are contained in this book, and you will note on page 8 that labels for these parcels will be issued by the National War Services, Ottawa, on receipt of the prisoner's address. It is possible that you will receive the camp address direct from your son before it is received through official channels.

Letters to Air Force prisoners in Germany should be sent to Stalag Luft 3 (as this is the censor point for all airforce mail in Germany) with the addition in brackets of camp where the prisoner is actually interned. This does not apply to parcels which should be sent direct to the actual internment camp.

It is the sincere desire of our Society to be of assistance to Next-of-Kin at all times and we trust you will avail yourself of this service.

Yours sincerely,
(F. W. Tuffrey)
Provincial Commissioner.

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