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Date: June 11th 1916
John McLean

Niagara Camp.
June 11/16

Dear Mother;-
I got your letter last night and I try to answer Them as soon as I get Them. Well it is still raining here it rains every day pretty near and Thunder storms too. Earnist Evoy and Thomas was here yesterday and Earnist said They were going to put in a pobition to the Colonel to see if we couldnt get off for haying and harvest so maby if all of Them take Bob Hurley paw and Jim Jarrell Tom McWatters and Tom Murray and all Them fellows and maby we could get off if They did.
say is it True That Jack Reid is dead. I am in the same tent as 6 of the fellows from the Bay and we have a great time say I want you to send me a little pillow just a small one That is The only thing I dont like is a hard pillow but we have a good enough Bed. we all sleep together and we have 3 blankets a piece we put 3 under us and douple Them. Then open out the other 3 and put Them over us I got new pants just after I came down here and my buttons are all wornen out on my tunic and I asked Lieut Martin about new ones and he sent me to the Colonel and last Sunday he gave Them all the duce for not polishing the Buttons and he said to polish Them till They were worn out and he would give Them new ones he Thought noone could do it. But I went to him with mine all woren through holes in Them and he said he would try and get me a new tunic to-morrow. I am going to wear it through in the stews to-day if I can Rub it on something.
I guess you will all get the letters together I guess This is now how many men has Flu 227 got at the Bay and who are They I havn seen Lee McDonald yet but am going to try and hunt him up to-day. they took a vote on trying to make this Battn in to a heiglanders but They failed by two votes I wish The had got it They are the Best looking Bunch down here There is two Battn here now the 13th [?] and 173. Well I guess This is all now. Write soon and often.

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