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Date: December 30th 1916

Witley Camp

Dec 30th. 1916

My Dear Mamma:

Well I am Barrack orderly today & as I have nothing to do all day I may as well write you a letter & finish it tomorrow morning, as I am going down to Guilford in the afternoon with some of the boys for some fun - just kind of a last farewell before we go to France which will be very soon.

I got a parcel from a Mrs. Crawford in Glasgow, Elsie Reid got her to send it to me & it was very nice - there was a plum pudding in it & a "Hagis" which we steamed last night & it was fine we finished off with the plum pudding:- there was also oat-cake & short bread in it. I also got a parcel from Jean Davidson last night with a pair of socks & some tobacco - she says the socks are her first pair & they are real good & the knitting is all right; she took an awful long time to make them though, as ever since I have been here she has been writing me & telling how she was getting along with them.

Two Brigades of F.A. have gone down to Salisbury for firing & the 2nd Sec. went with them & some of our boys - I am one of the lucky ones who were left at home & I am glad as Salisbury is no place for me during the winter or anybody else as we have to sleep under canvas in three feet of mud - not for me till the time comes in France.

After you get this letter send all my mail to the London Army Post Office as very likely by the time I get your reply I will be in France. And one more little thing if you ever want to get information about me in case of accident write to

Canadian Record Office
Westminister House
7 Millbank,
London S. W.

Which is a central information bureau which links up the men of the Canadian Contingent with their relations in all parts of the World.

We have had a piano in the hut for the last two months & it goes very good; two or three of the boys are real good players so things go pretty good. The piano costs us 8d per man (just us in this one hut) per month or ½ (?) a month.

Sunday 4 P.M.

Well my Guilford trip is up the muck as we have been hauling 18 pounder (?) & lydite from Milford & storing it in our stables, we have about 20,000 rounds hauled now & have to go & unload another train at 7 P.M. - of course that is an Eng. Train - two C.P.R. cars would carry as much. We unloaded & hauled away (with two waggons) fifteen carloads this morning! We work seven days a week now.

I received your parcel with a pair of socks in it (light colored ones) this afternoon & they are fine thank you ever so much for them. I also got a letter from Papa dated Dec 9th in which he announced the arrival of my letter saying I had been to see Smith.

No I did not hear that Billy Baily was dead at all till I got your letter.

Brown is still away on his course of Gunfitting & I do not know when he is coming back I hope he comes back to this outfit.

I am sending you a few pictures of the mules in action.

Well I have to go & get supper now & then hitch up & go & haul lydite.

Love for all from


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