Feb 10/17
Dear Miss Lola,
We are expecting to move soon so as I may not be able to get a letter away for a few days afterwards thought I would do a little writing now.
Unfortunately we are not allowed to send picture postcards of our stopping places or of the neighbouring towns nor to describe any places of interest we may see for fear of giving away our position to the enemy so there is not much to write about.
I have developed a habit of getting supper nearly every evening at a house here. It is good and warm there and I usually stay there all the evening. The French call their soldiers "Les Poilus" or the "Harry Ones" because, as Marguerite says, they have "Beaucoup de moustache" and they call the young soldiers of 18 or so who cannot boast of this lip fungus "Les poilus comme soucoupe" or "like a saucer".
I am sending you a photograph I had taken last Sunday in full marching order and half a dozen comic post cards.
Our guns brought down a Fritz aeroplane near here a few days ago.
The weather here is quite cold. It has been freezing steadily for about four weeks and we have had very little snow. There have been some beautiful moonlight nights too (full moon) and when I think of the Lachine Canal and so many people away, it seems an awful waste.
Must close now for a want of subject matter.
Kindest regards to all
Yours very sincerely
Arthur Turner