Y.M.C.A. and Canadian War Contingent Association waith the Canadian forces
July 28th 1917
An Old Potato Cellar: Some Home Sweet Home with the fire out
Dear Olga
Well at last I have got settled to drop you a line or two. I am sorry to say I neglected writing earlier.
Well as usual all is well with me over here. The same old routine. At present I am sitting in the cellar of an old battered-down house. This was a beautiful town before the bosche started tearing it to pieces. We have some great times even here. When it gets good and dark at night, we very cautiously steal out into the "what used to be" gardens and eat pears, apples raspberries, and all kinds of fruit. It sure goes good, as a change from army rations. We don't dare do it in the daytime or Fritz would be sending all kinds of messages to us, mostly whizz bangs, or sniper's bullets.
We are quite classical here. We have a table for the phone, a dressing table, and even spring beds, what Fritz left behind of the french house furnishings. I had a great game of whist last night. Do you ever play whist? I enjoyed it immensely The last time I played whist, was at my fiancee's home out west, so you see the memory was sweet. Our weather still remains good, with an odd shower. It makes the trenches slippery whenever they come, but it's alright as it's not cold when we get wet.
Well I hope this will find you all well and happy at home, and also that you have some great old spins on your new bike. I was going to write a bunch of letters today, but we played cards until late, then I was on duty part of the night, so I find I am getting rather sleepy so when I address this to you I believe I'll go to the "Land of nods" for a few hours. Do you often hear from Aunt Frank? I don't I guess they think me a very poor correspondent. It's queer but I can't never seem to settle down to letter writing. I should write at least a doz today, but I'll be lucky if I finish two. Well try and write often, and tell me the news no matter if I do neglect as I don't do it intentionally. Well give my Love to all not forgetting Olga. I remain XXXXXX As ever XXXX Your Loving brother XXXXX XX XXXXX Don
God bless our old cellar home Ome sweet ome 28/7 1916
P.S. please enclose a couple of maple leaves in one of your letters for a souvenir
P.S. please pardon me for writing such stale letters, but you know etc