Jan 18th 1918
Dear Dad:-
Well, we've at last separated ourselves from that depot battalion and the mutt that commanded them. As a finale though the three of us got run in before him and I spent the most enjoyable 10 minutes I've ever spent in Ordery Room. The reason was that we didn't parade as we should have as breakfast was late! Some excuse but he swallowed it all right and then tried to tell us off. It was the most hopeless attempt I ever heard and we had him tangled right off. When I pointed out that there was no excuse for breakfast being late back there where everything should be safe and comfortable he nearly threw a fit but of course had no come back to it.
We left a few days ago the others going by train. That brilliant youth the O.C. of the school went on the day before and left the dirty work to us. However, I kindly consented to ride his horses the whole way instead of part walking and part travelling in a French train so I had a better job in a way. It was a 25 mile ride and rained, snowed and blew the whole time and I was soaked when I arrived and very fed up. However, one of the sergeants came to the rescue with a hot tot of rum which saved my life. No billets were left in the village, I was told, and of course the kits were all lost my servant included and neither have turned up yet. I dug round and found that my Battery Commander Roney Dougall was acting Brigade Major and had a hut so I slept last night in it with one blanket. Lovely!
This morning I told the little boob (O.C.) who's in charge of us a few things and went out on my own and found a room in a French house with a bed for 1 franc a day and that's where I'm going to flop "ce soir." The woman next door does washing and provides baths so things look better now.
It was rather funny the way I found Roney Dougall. He was at Divisional Artillery Hqrs mess and I walked right in on the General and all his staff. However, I put up a strong bluff, wished them all good evening and sat down and had a cup of coffee. I told them all how I loved signalling and especially the Staff Captain for sending me on the course.
The O.C. signals for the Division is a good head, he's a major, and asked if I'd like my name put in to be seconded to the R.E.'s as a permanent signal officer but I told him there was nothing stirring and he was quite surprised. It seems everybody is trying for it except Nichols and I as it's one of these "lady" jobs miles away from anything. The more I see of these people the more fed up I get over having to stay with them a minute.
I got 3 parcels of magazines from you today so we're all fixed for a while anyway. We're still about 7 miles from the lines but we can hear the guns occasionally and see Very Lights
Must close now. Best love to all.