Third Army Artillery School,
B.E.F. France
April 13th 1917
Dear Dad:-
Have nothing to write about except to let you know I'm still "in the pink" as the Tommies say and quite ready for my 3 meals a day. It's mighty funny that I haven't got a letter from you or Nen yet and I sure am in a sweat to hear. I hope that Army Post office come to life pretty soon and forward my mail. I've got a letter from Grandma and one from Gordie Ross at Halifax. He's having a lead pipe cinch it seems However, I'd much rather be over here and it sure was the luckiest thing that ever happened us as we're tolerably sure of seeing action of some sort.
We're working pretty hard now. From 9 to 7 but we haven't had any work to do after hours yet so I generally hit the hay about 9.15.
Our physical jerks instructor is a sucker and sure makes us sweat in any weather. The other day he took us for a mile run at a mighty fast pace and as we all had our big heavy boots on we were absolutely all in at the finish. His favorite stunt is to make us double mark time at full knee bend.
We had driving drill the other day and it hailed and sleeted and snowed and blowed at the same time. It almost cut our faces and even the horses felt it badly.
Well, Dad, will leave the rest till the next time. Best love to Ella and Nen.
P.S. If you haven't sent shoebacks yet never mind but if they are on the way I can find use for them all right.