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Date: August 25th 1916
Walter Earnest Peter Flett

R.N. Air Station
Chingford, N.E.
Friday Aug 25/16

Dear Sister

Your dear little letter rec'd OK. Very glad that Skip has come in to his own at last. I do hope you can go to Toronto & see my dear little wife & daughter. I nearly lost out yesterday morning. I crashed a B.Eng. Machine all to splinters in a fall but can't even show a bruise. Must be the Virginia lucky stone. I had it pinned in my hat - but the old engine won't play the same trick twice you can bet, I was so mad I just let the old buss burn up & started back to the air drone. I don't tell Eloise these little adventures but you may as well know what the life is like and mind you - you get to like it more than anything else. It a fig fight between you and the air - who is the master.

Will be off for France in ten days time but will let you know details later. Will send this to 129 as I don't know your address.

Lots of love, Pete

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