#157629 Pte. R. MacKinnon No. 3 Co.
June 12, 1916
Dear Sister, Just a few lines to let you know that I am well and happy. I left England a short time ago. I like France better than England as far as soldiering goes. I have not seen Archie yet but hope to soon. He is in the same Division as myself. I am now in the P.P.C.L.I., Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, in France. At present we are in a nice big barn for a rest. It sure is great place to sleep. When you get this letter send a letter to my father and let him know my new address. I will write to him later when I get a chance. Do not worry about me as I am safer here than on Herb's motorcycle. Hoping you are all keeping well as this leaves me.
Your affec. brother Ronald