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Date: October 17th 1943

England, 17 Oct 43

Dear Jean:

Just got back to the mess in time for supper, and decided to write your letter here instead of going to the office, which is nearly 2 miles away, especially as it is a dark wet night and there will be no fire on there and only kerosene lamps. It isn't too good a set up but it is only temporary, we expect to be at a proper station in the near future.
I went down to Haywards after lunch yesterday on the bike, and came back today leaving there about 4:30 after tea. It was a nice week-end, they always make me welcome, and of course there was plenty to talk about. It took just under 1 ½ hours to cycle each way - and I successfully avoided showers. Took them a tin of your lemon powder - and they were delighted - they are so enthusiastic as Morris's about it. The days are pretty short now so we didn't have as much time to work as in summer, but I cut some big limbs off two large oak trees which were shading the orchard too much. That with the ride down and back gave me some good exercise. now I am ready for a hot bath, and early to bed. They had a delicious roast goose dinner today. Poor Bert has a bit of rheumatism in his neck, so I gave him two massages. They are all well, Mrs. H. had a good garden this year. Margaret, the oldest girl is staying at home, she suffers from poor eye sight - and Jean, the younger, is taking Household Science at the tech. in Brighton. They were all thrilled to learn of Bill's M.C. and that Dad Hall is going strong.

Two airgraphs from you last week, - unfortunately they are at the office, but I was glad to get them. Hope the radio gets here alright. Am sure the Hayward girls will be delighted with the sweaters - they always admire mine. Ecila's was a very nice one, and fits O.K. She takes size 10 1/2 stockings and Mrs. M. size 8 1/2 . I was up there for a while Friday evening, on my way back from London. Alf, my batman doesn't smoke, but he chews snook - "Copenhagen Snuff" - I will give you his name tomorrow before sending this. I have been wondering a lot about one project - you don't mention anything about it in your last two letters - so maybe will have to hope for another time. I wont let myself get worked up about it till you have some definite news about it. Hope the flowers arrived on the 15th alright. I am taking part in a broadcast next week at the BBC - for the schools - a lesson on the Alaska Highway. It will be very short and elementary. Delivered the photography of the Astons (Mr. Halls tenants) to the old lady in Cobham. She was delighted. She wants me to come & have tea with her some Sunday. Had a banana milkshake tonight, with your ingredients it was luscious - Ecila is going to find out about China and I may get time to look around a bit myself next time I go to London.

Alf's address - M16727 Spr. Goddard, A.J.

10 Cdn Air Svy Liaison Sec, R.C.E.

First Cdn Army Overseas.

Glad you are having the ceilings insulated, and have the coal. Hope your stock of fuel will be enough.

Love -


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