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Date: September 15th 1917

Scampton, Lincoln

Sept. 15. 1917.

My dear Dad:

I received an answer to my cable of the 7 [?] from Metcalf. Very glad to hear that you are better but was very much surprised to hear that you were still at Grimsby. You must have been much worse than you led me to believe.

Have been doing the same old routine as always except an occasional flight. I put in half an hour on a French Nieuport this morning and got along much better than I expected.

I expected to go to Turnberry Sat. 15th but that was changed and I am still here.

Max expects to be transferred to Cranwell very soon and that is only a few miles from here so I will likely run into him (not literally) occasionally.

I wrote to Auntie Babs a couple of days ago.

Got a letter from the customs office the other day saying that there was a parcel there for me from the Purvis's from Bolton. I have not received it yet but expect to do so soon. You might ask Fern to thank them for me.

Wib is up & walking around now although a little weak. To-morrow is my Sunday off (1 in 2) and I intend going down to see him.

I have received Fern letters up to eight, several from you and two cables.

I bought £70 worth of Exchequer Bonds the other day. Registered bonds, 5%, payable every six months, to me % Metcalf, That is a little better than leaving it in the bank with no interest isn't it? Of course I still have the gold.

Bought a new pair of breeks the other day as these are getting oily of the machines.

Love to all,


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