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Date: October 18th 1916

1st Battery "C" Sub Sec
Ross Barracks
Shorncliffe Kent
Oct 18/16
Dear Mother
Just a line to say I am well hopeing you and John are the same I am only writeing this letter so I can send you a Photo I had taken here I only got six of them and I am sorry I never got more becouse I have not enuff to send to all the people that write me but tell Aunt M.E. I will get some more and send her one. I have no new to tell you it as been raining all night here and it sure is rotten when it rains has Jane got any letters from Harry I'll bet he dont say he is haveing the good time he was makeing up on I get lots of letters from Liverpool I am trying to get a pass on saturday to go down there thay are crazy to see me I sure get a lot of mail I got my letters yesterday 3 from Canada and 4 from Livepool I dont have a night to myself at all I just write letters every night. Well I think I will close for now
From your Loveing son

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