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Date: April 11th 1943

No 141

Major GS Andrews, RCE

Survey, HQ First Cdn Army O/S

11 Apr 43

Dear Jeans

Your airgraph of 20 Mar arrived on the 9th, and gave me much joy. Mary's [?] with [?] [?] were most interesting. The idea of swings for elephants sure is something. I wish I could take her to a zoo which is not far from here. Did the little book ever arrive about the Egyptian animals, I thought the last story in it of the little hippo was a masterpiece. If it didn't come, I should like to send another. Had letters from Olive Andrews my stepmother, and from Mrs Maggman, both very good ones. Mrs M said such nice things about you and Mary. She enjoyed her visit with you. She is trying to be brave for [?], it must be hard sometimes for you wives and mothers who have to sit [?] home, and wait. Olive A is carrying on in fine spirit, they have had a hard winter on the prairies, but she doesn't complain. She plans to take a trip East this summer to see her father, and to see Emily. She must be lonely [?] now she is exactly back where she was before she got married to father, I feel that I should have done more for her. This week past has been full of activity, and results from some important experiments I've had in hand have been wonderful, and it will make a definite advance in an important part of our technique. Am gradually approaching the time when all these various projects will be tied up together, and it will be a time of no little satisfaction. There will be many interesting things to look back on, when it is all over and we are ready to get back to normal life, I don't mean by that the same [?] life we left. I hope it will be a better life, I had supper at Morris's last night, cheese soufflé, with eggs from their own chickens, and a lovely lemon pie, thanks to the lemon powder you sent. It is wonderful stuff, and very much better than the concentrated juices. Haywards were just as keen about it. Went back up there this pm to finish up some wood cutting. Have the job all done now, including the root, and all stacked under cover for next winter. Mrs Morris said to give you her love when I left just before supper. She is one of the finest ladies I've known. I had a meeting with Col Lloyd during the week in London, he was the Oxford professor who came out to Victoria during the summer of 1939. He would have liked me to take over some [?] for him, but I am too busy with my own now, however, I was able to get him someone who can do the job very well, so that's OK. The war news is good just now, hope it will keep that way. The wonderful accomplishments of the armies in North Africa make us Canadians feel a bit out of the picture. They have kept us waiting so long, I sometimes feel anxious about our morale. [?][?] we will be like when we do start, after being stable so long. It must be deadly for the chaps who do just plain soldiering, here over three years.

LOVE TO YOU BOTH-------------------- GER

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