Royal Infirmary
Aberdeen Scotland.
January 17, 1916.
Just a short note to say I arrived in Aberdeen safe and sound, and was met by John at the Station. I am staying with him at the Infirmary, but I've got to leave tomorrow morning as I've got to report myself at Victoria Station. London thursday morning 7 a.m. It's rotten I couldn't get home I only had 6 days on British soil we lost a day on the French coast coming over, so you see it was impossible to make Grimsay.
I sent you a card from B[?] St when I was leaving yesterday. I was very kindly treated by Christine and I cant see why I should go anywhere else as I have absolutely nothing against her.
I seen a whole lot of Uist people on the old Bridge and to tell you the honest truth I was sick as a dog before I got rid of them. D.J. Mackinnon gave me quite a calling down for not going to see them. He expected I should know where they were above all others of course I made my own excuses.
Well Mary as my time in Aberdeen is limited I cant give you much news altho- I did'nt get home I'm going back in the best of spirits and not a bit downhearted.
I will now come to a close with my best love and kindest regards to you all.
Yours affect-brother