Wavre Belguim
March 12 1919
Dear Mother:-
There is not much to say tonight but I thought I would write.
Iam getting some new snaps done in Wavre and will send some they are poor and experienced but it is all that one can get around here.
Am enclosing a photo I had taken in Brussels. I don't like it very much. My coat looks old as the deuce. I had my hands clasped so as to hide a lacking button.
Sometime soon when I get the necessary case I am sending a box of a few things home to you. I don't think I can afford to send it registered so don't be surprised if you don't get it. But if by a strike of luck you do all well and good.
I wish you would take all the things I send home to Truro with you when you go. That is if you can carry them.
Well will close now as it supper time.