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Date: May 24th 1916
James Fargey

My Dear Mother,

Well here we are ago out in camp for a few more days rest. We only had a short trip in this time and had very good weather all the time. The weather is lovely only very warm.

When I got in camp last night there was parcel waiting for me and I wish to thank you very much for it. Everything arrived in good shape and the cake and shortbread were in splendid condition.

I also got a parcel from Mrs.[?] Mrs.Smith's mother the other day. It was very kind of her to send it and Iam going to write to her to her to-day.

It is certainly beautiful weather we have been having for this last couple of weeks and we generally have had good weather each time we have been in the trenches so far. There is a good Y.M.C.A here where we can buy anything and where we can sit and write and read. There is also a moving picture show. We were at this same camp in few weeks ago.

The burning question of the hour are [?] our battalion is where we are going on leave back to England.but it is treated as more of a joke than anything else.

I also got that parcel of paper you sent and enjoyed reading them. I guess the crops will be up and looking good by the time you get this. I noticed that lettuce was up in some of the gardens around here so we will be able to have a feed some of these days. Have you got your [?]

May 27th

Well Mother I got a letter from you since I started to write this letter. I was in [?] after I started and I was on a working party so last two nights but I am clear now for tonight I was very glad to receive your letter and hear that your man had arrived as[?] it will not make it so hard for Father. I got a letter from Myrtle Matchett the other day also, So George [?] played out on a 25 mile route march. Well when we came out hear first we never went quite far a that but we have gone fifteen miles a few times and these cobble stones are worse than any road in Canada and we generally have some long marches to the trenches altho only out five or six miles. It only took about eighteen days for the last letter to come

So you are going to get your kitchen repaired and painted up. I hope Eileen is successful with her examinations.

Well Mother this is about all the news I have to tell. With love to all.

From Your loving Son

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