Letter No 82
The same place
Monday eve. 22 July, 1918
My dear old dad,
I think this is the first time I have really had a rest since I crossed the narrow stretch of blue! I have been laying down resting all day am now feeling very much better and hope to feel quite fit by tomorrow.
I had such a surprise this morning. While I was sitting on the floor of the receiving room of the "Aid Post" here and wondering what best to say to the MO, someone came and sat down beside me - there were a number in the room - and said "Hallow, Fereday!" Who do you think it was? Why, Harold Rees, Stanley Rees' elder brother. You will remember that he was a member of the H.B's bible class and that was when I first made his acquaintance. He is now in the "London Irish" by transfer from the "Cast Iron 6th" and in Blighty was at Wimbledon with the 110th TRB before the CSRs took their lines over. He came over here in April, and has been over two months in the line, so I consider myself extremely lucky. It was quite nice meeting him. Just fancy we are nearly all out here now - the young manhood of London is very largely represented in this Division. Fortunately I was able to have a chat for about half an hour with him and we told each other what we knew of those we know at home.
I do miss old Stuart and all my other chums who are now up the line. You can't imagine what a tremendous part friendship plays in the life of a soldier out here. It makes the life bearable. I expect old Stu misses me too - he seemed most fed up when I had to say "au revoir" to him for a few days. We are both very keenly looking forward to the days when we shall have the RAF uniform and are both bent on getting a commission. The Air Force is the modern "Knight Errantry" when adventurous fliers challenge the winged foe to mortal combat. The exhibitions one sees at times over the lines is thrilling to a degree. I have several times seen our airmen looping the loop, side slipping and performing almost impossible feats over Jerry's lines in utter contempt of his anti-aircraft defenses and once or twice in respect of the brave chap, Jerry ceased fire to admire the performance.
Letter No 53 was an important one and was addressed to the office. It seems most annoying that letters go astray. One of my first to Mr. Waller never arrived and I am certain that others of mine sent home could not have done for quite often important questions are unanswered or no comment made.
I had a letter from Stanley and Mirrie today. Thank Stan ever so much for his letter. I will endeavour to answer him this week.
Did you receive letters No 60 and 67 - both to you. On of these I expected would elicit a few observations.
It is almost too dark to write now and I am feeling tired again so I will say goodbye for a little while.
Give my fondest love to mother.
With best wishes,
from your living son,