Behind the lines
Friday Eve. 12 July, 1918
My dear Dad,
I just had time to write a letter to mother this afternoon before the post was collected and I am writing this now because I may not have time to do so tomorrow in time.
Since tea Stuart and I have seen all there is to be seen in this little place, which I may say is some ten kilos from the line and is, I should think, very seldom bombarded by Jerry's long range guns. So, as you might have guessed, I shall be quite alright here.
I was surprised to find this place such a "bon" one. Unlike other villages I have been to this one has some "character" about it. Not merely a struggling row of barns along the road, but a place with a number of streets with many respectable houses. It does not seem nearly so dilapidated as some of the villages much further away from the line and there are still the majority of the residents here to judge by appearances. Indeed the Hun's must have forgotten this place.
Like all villages in these parts it is adorned with trees on the outskirts and these help to make the place look very much better. The church is only a small one and fairly old - perhaps three hundred years; we tried to get in and inspect the interior but all the doors were locked.
Already my billet looks quit "posh". Someone has found a pink geranium and put it on the mantlepiece. On the wall are a few coloured pictures and these make the room more bright. At intervals round the room are our kits.
The post has just arrived again but there is none for me. As I haven't heard from you and mother for four days I feel sure that they are being held up somewhere.
There is no more news at present but I may be able to add more tomorrow. I feel sure that you will do your best to persuade mother not to be unduly anxious on my account, for there is really no need.
It will not be possible for me to write many letters now and as I shall devote my time to endeavouring to write home as often as possible, perhaps you will explain this to some of my correspondents as you meet them. I hope that you are all well at home. Give my love them all. Au revoir!
Your loving son
PS. Saturday. Here all day today - looks as if I shall be here for five or six days.