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Date: September 8th 1898

Knoxville Tenn
Sep 8th 1898

Dear Hannah

Not having herd from my last letter yet I think it must of got lost or else your has but I will drop you a few lines and let you know haw I am getting along. Well we arrived here a week ago Sunday and our camp is situated on a beautiful slope about 11/2 mile from the City and half a mile from the car line. We had not got any more than rightly settled when I took down with Malaria fever and was in the Hospital 3 or 4 days I can not remember and just as soon as the fever left me I was sent back to my tent and there carne a heavy rainstorm the heaviest I ever saw which nearly flooded us away. Our Cap was sick also so he got some hacks and took all that was sick to a private Hotel here in the City and Mrs Teare is acting nurse for us and we are doing fine. The people around this part of the country are verry hospital and visit all the sick bringing them flowers and dainties. Monday night we were walking along a street and came to a church where they were having a "Lawn F'ete" and was met by some charming young ladies who took us in and just filled us up on Ice cream cakes Etc and invited us to their homes it was a Presperterian Church too. this is a city of churches there are 8 Presp churches and all fine ones too. I was to a Methodist prayer meeting last night right opposite our rooms and they are a verry social lot too. I am thinking of staying here in the south of Act of the fine climate. The hospital train will be here, Cap Teare thought to get us off on that but there will not be enough room. so they will have to wait for the Regt I think we will leave the latter part of next week and I understand the whole regt is going to Duluth to disband so if they do you can see the"Tin soldiers" as I suppose we will be dubbed. though I think we might be termed heros by the way we fought fever in Malaria park were we camped last. I will have to close now as I am getting cramped If I aint my writing is with love to all


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