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675928 G. Co
39th Batt. C.E.F.
3rd Brigade.
W. Sandling Camp
My Own Darling Kitty,

I thought I'd sit down & write you a wee line this afternoon as I am feeling so homesick to see you sweetheart & when I write it brings me nearest you my love.

Now darling I don't know what'd coming off, but we are moving out to another camp on Monday, I understand the 39th is no more & we are a reserve now of the 6th Batt. 1st Brigade, but I used the old address as it will find me alright & as soon as we move I'll let you know love. I hope its to Bramshot Camp as that's near Reading & I could get home on Sunday's but I guess there's no such luck, I have heard that we are to have a medical board soon I hope its true for that's when I want to try & get on as an instructor you see love I'll work it so I won't be passed as fit for France & then I'll have a chance to get on as an instructor. Freddy has not heard anymore of his transfer as it has a lot of rigmoroll to go through, but I think he'll get it alright.

Oh! my own pet how I am figuring & planning so that I'll get on a permenant job here & get you down by my side & by hook or by crook I'll work it too. I have fully decided to get out of the infantry if I can't get my instructors job.

I will even go into the artillery than stay here, or take a job as orderly, or G,M.P. or a job in a cook house, anything at all to get out of this, because if I don't I'll be in France inside of two weeks & I've got just as far as I want to go, but darling its not that I'm a coward, but its for you my love & my darling baby. Yes! love because I think of your future & my devoted love & I cannot leave you. Oh! Kitty how you have made me love you. How my heart aches for you love. I dream day & night of you love & plan & think of what I can do to remedy my great mistake & with all the strings I have in action something is bound to turn up.

Now my love I think I'll close as I haven't much more to say. So give my love to Mother & Dad & Maggie & I'll try & come home soon. Give my little darling a great big hug & heaps of Kisses from DaDaDa & accept my devoted love & heaps of kisses.

I am ever
Your own darling

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