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Date: April 8th 1917

April 8


Just received that Box of Candy O.K I also got two letters from you a few days ago but this is the first chance I answer them but I hope you won't mind the delay since it could not very well be avoided.

Well I got that paper cutting and by the looks of news you have quite a bunch alright - but it's [?] debutante stuff Eh that's a little deep for a guy like me under the present conditins at least.

So you have decided to not to go west this spring. Ah well I don't know that I blame you, when you might just as well stay home until Fall.

Oh By the way how is Billie Bo[?] these days you have not mentioned him for quite a while. So I was just beginning to wonder if he had dropped out of existance lately.

I had a letter from Dolly the other and she had a great line about you believe me. And about some shop in the bunch who she says would almost drive me dippy pretty rich for a kid of her age don't you think

Well Cheer-o dear will write you again in a day or two.


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