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Date: September 23rd 1917


Sept 23 1917

Dear Father:-

Droping you this short letter to acknowledge receipt of yours to-day. The homestead proposition is a good one but please to put yourself out to get it. Glad to hear you are recieving my assigned pay & will see the pay master when I am payed at the end of this month & see if he won't let me send you $20 instead of fifteen. I quite agree with you in your political views but whatever you do Dad try & keep Wilf as long as possible for you are getting old & he will be able to continue the business when you retire. You know the Yanks are in this business now & we are all expecting early peace. No doubt iron is an enormous price but the future will bring better times. For goodness sake Dad try & ease off a little on the work for as I say you not as young as you used to be. When I return I only hope I will be able to help put you in a position so that you can retire. All the money I assign is yours not mine & I want you to use it as yours not mine.

Well Dad I have given Mother all the news so will close.

My thoughts are always with you & Mother & hope you are both quite will.

Take good care of yourself remember.

Your Ever Loving Son


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