Amherst N.S.
Dear Mother:-
Just a few lines to let you know I am well received the message from G. T. Dewar today but can't get away on account of quarantine it was to be lifted Tuesday but Measles broke out and that's why I can't go. I never new till tonight why we were quarantined for it was spinal menigitis.
They are carting them out there for four every morning now for measles. Did you get the money I signed home yet we never got a cent since we left the Island. I guess only for this quarantine we would be in England by now as we were to get no more pay in Canada but I think we are to get signed on the pay roll in Canada again for a while.
Well I guess I will close for this time. Hoping you are all well.
Good Bye.
P.S. Is Charlie home yet. Write soon and give me all the news tell dad I have no news or I would write to him.
I heard Fred made another move