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Postcard, no date
Lt. MacKay
Postcard dated November 12th, 1917
Souvenir postcard, front
Postcard, no date
Poem, front
Postcard, no date
Dear Old Home, front
Postcard, no date
Poem 2, front
Postcard, no date
Miss Adrienne
Postcard, no date
A Christmas Greeting
Postcard, no date
Young Woman
Postcard, no date
Edna Mae
Postcard, no date
RSVP. front
Postcard, no date 
Greetings and Best Wishes
Postcard, no date
The Ideal Studio, front
Postcard, no date
In Loving Memory
Postcard, no date
Portrait card, front
Postcard, no date
Anonymous Woman
Postcard, no date
Family portrait, front
Postcard, no date
Olive May
Postcard, no date
Portrait of a woman, front
Postcard, no date
Miss Adrienne Augarde
Postcard, no date
Soldier, front
Postcard, no date
Woman and Horse
Postcard, no date
Soldier Portrait, front
Postcard, no date
Miss Adrienne Augarde.02
Postcard, no date
Mt. Sir Donald, front
Postcard to Mother
Picture Postcard, back
Postcard dated April 2nd, 1909
Postcard to Greta, front
Postcard dated April 22nd, 1909
Valentine's Postcard, front
Postcard dated February 14th, 1914
Postcard to Mother.03, front
Postcard dated May 19th, 1915
Postcard to Mother.02, front
Postcard dated May 21st, 1915
Postcard to Mother, front
Postcard dated May 26th, 2915
Scenic Postcard, front
Postcard to Mother, dated June 29th, 1915
To Greta, front
Postcard dated July 10th, 1915
To Mother
Postcard dated July 10th, 1915
Cartoon Postcard, front
Postcard to Mother, dated September 17th, 1915
Here Come the Canadians, front
Postcard to Mother, dated September 14th, 1917
Field Service Postcard, front
Fill in the blanks postcard, dated April 6th, 1918
Fill-In Postcard, front
Fill in the blanks postcard to Mother, dated November 6th, 1918