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Stagg.WWI.TrainWreck.Military Engineering
This is the Course we play golf on see that wonderful rhododendron (that's not spelt right but...
Stagg. Train Wreck. WWI date.Cherboug
Stagg. Train Wreck. WWI
Concert party at Bowley. from left to right Barret Thornburgh Price, Stagg Goderson Smallborne...
Stagg. Train Wreck. WWI
Our ward marked X  bathroom my bed      hall laundry        another ward our ward
Stagg. Train Wreck. WWI date.Garden party
Stagg. Train Wreck. WWI
Dear Wife; your husband's bed-room is on the other side with a wee part of his bed showing...

Isn't this  pretty spot - just beside the Priory we came across this yesterday.
Love to all - 

Dorothy Isn't this pretty spot - just beside the Priory we came across this yesterday. Love to...
Stagg. Train Wreck. WWI
Dear Mother:- Do you think heather is lucky. it didn't bring much to the land of it did it; this...
Dorothy Stagg
418 Ossington

This is the old castle & the Priory & the river Avon flowing Past where Daddy was this afternoon Does my Chum love her Daddy yet & want to see him again what would you do if you saw me Tonights would you hug me well you won't see me so hug mother for Daddy as that's what he would do love & kisses from Dad
Dorothy Stagg 418 Ossington Toronto Canada This is the old castle & the Priory & the...
Stagg. postacard.
Dorothy From Dad This doesn't look a bit like our camp dear. Nor would you expect it would be...
My dear little cousin Dorothy,

I am sending you this card to wish you a happy birthday. I am staying quite near to Daddy's Hospital & see him every day. I am sure you wish you could do so, he is looking so well & such a brown face & wears a pretty bright blue suit of clothes with a red tie. Auntie Elma is here too & her doggie who has such romps with a little black kitten. Little Gladys who was in Daddy's hospital has gone to the "Band of hope" tea to-day. Love to Mummy &...
My dear little cousin Dorothy, I am sending you this card to wish you a happy birthday. I am...
Miss Dorothy Stagg
418 Ossington

Dear Chum. are you still daddy's chum & Aunt Queenie's. daddy loved to have your letter & your kisses. they were very sweet do you want Daddy home. he would like awfully well to see you & hug you so tight you pray God to bring Daddy home so Goodbye Daddy.
Miss Dorothy Stagg 418 Ossington Toronto Can. Dear Chum. are you still daddy's chum & Aunt...
Stagg.WWI.TrainWreck.Military Engineering
Mr. Maxwell is the one on the right- this back view shows you the rose garden & the garden...
Stagg.WWI.TrainWreck.Military Engineering
This is a front view of the house & the gate in front has not been opened for 50 years there...
Stagg.WWI.TrainWreck.Military Engineering
The kitchen & drive the front part on the left is really the best part of the Course.
Stagg. Train Wreck. WWI
555 Crawford St Sept 20 Everybody fine over here Have you seen Mrs. Taggart Hello Father Did...
19 Sutton Rd

Dear Dorothy

I expect by the time you get this you will have had my other one, if the ship has not gone down on which it is coming over to you. I hope you will like this pretty card. I have sent your sister Marg: my Photograph, so you will see what I am like. Your Daddy has shown me all your photographs with love from your unknown friend

Dorothy Avery
Scrithfield 19 Sutton Rd Seaford Sussex 6/3/18 Dear Dorothy I expect by the time you get this...
Stagg.WWI.TrainWreck.Military Engineering
Halifax Left Liverpool Sun/22 arr. Halifaxt Mon 30. all secure very Happy Daddy