Feature Letter of January 30th, 2025
Cousins, Frank C.
My Dear Mother:-
Just a line to tell you I am still alive although a trifle stiff and sore tonight as a result of a strenuous basketball game this afternoon. We redeemed ourselves by defeating the 6th res. by 58-9. Our team was strengthened by two bandsmen. MacCormac was back again so we went strong. Tomorrow I am going to make a try for the Rugby team. If I can't make it I am going in for Running. Athletics gets us off parades and gets one in touch with the officers which helps some. This week we have been having our Course in Bombing and Revolver practice. Tomorrow and Friday morning we shoot a course with Revolvers on the Range. A Revolver is a new weapon to me but as machine gunners are not issued with rifles we carry revolvers. The drill these days is not very strenuous. In another month we will be ready for Draft Leave and France. I am sending you another Machine Gunner. In the next one I should be able to have my name in some of the athletics.