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Date: May 4th 1942
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

May 4th 1942.

Dear Phyllis:

Recieved you letter of March 31st last Friday which was May 1st and was sure plenty glad to recieve it. The weather here the last month has been very good. Yesterday was Sunday and was just a perfect day a friend of mine and myself went for a walk and speaking for myself I certainly enjoyed it. There are a lot of trees around here mostly Spruce and Balsm, everything else is out in leaf and the flowers are in full bloom. I took my camera along we took a picture of each other. If my picture turns out okay maybe I shall send one along later. after supper I went to a show and saw the Picture “Waterloo Bridge” with Robert Taylor and Vivian Leigh it was realy a very good picture.

A couple weeks ago I put in an application for my leave and to-day I find out that it has been granted for the 7th which is next Friday. I plan to go and see Parnells.

Give my best wishes to Thelma for her birthday and also my congradulations to Margret Sheeran.

Glad to hear that you are doing okay in school but I guess it is getting tiresome. You never did say how you liked city life or do you. I didn’t. At least you seem to be getting some Royal Entertainment anyhow. There realy are some classy dumps up in that neck of the woods. Do you still go to the dances at the West York or have you quit. Do you ever see much of Keiths little lady friend.

I recieved one of you air-grams but have not as yet recieved you second one. But them things aint so hot. Sometimes it takes longer than a letter to get here and sometimes it don’t take so long. I figure a letter is just as good in the long run. A letter averages about a month. I suppose you still hear from Bert quit often.

How are things at Home. I suppose Mother is still at Home and Dad is still staying at Lyles. I hope Mother has recovered from her broken arm.

Give my kindest regards to Mrs Denny and also to Mr and Mrs Lyle and to Amy.

How is Mr Lyle, still well I hope.

Cherrio for now.

With Love

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