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Date: December 8th 1921
Imperial War Graves Commission
Fred Gullen - (Roy Gullen's brother)

[Editor’s note: Provided by collection donor as transcription only.]


December 8th,1921.

The Secretary
Imperial War Graves Commission,
82 Baker St., W. 1.
London, England.

Re - Private W.R.Gullen,

Dear Sir:

Your letter of the 16th of November, 1921 received, for which accept my sincere thanks.

We appreciate very much the consideration shown by your Commission in erecting a cross to the memory of my brother, Private W.R. Gullen in Orchard Dump Cemetery, at Arleus-en-Gohelle. We trust the cross will be in position when we visit France next August, and while in London I would like to call personally and thank your commission for the consideration shown.

Yours very sincerely,
[signature of Frank Gullen]