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Date: March 10th 1917
Stanley, Donald & Marguerite Gullen - (children)
Roy Gullen

[Editor’s note: The original structure of the letter/s is unclear. There is no clear first page and the transitions between pages suggest some parts may be missing.]


[page one:]

Stanley Gullen
Echo Place
March 10th 1917

times before it ends the first one will be forgotten soon why people can sit back and say fight on is terrable, We want get out of this Iron fence and get home, we were marching past Borden to day, wish he would send the first Div. home there is enough in camps to make it up would give this country up and apoligise for the condition it is in, well did not get anything from home yet [remainder of page cut-off/censored]

[page two:]

Donald Gullen
Echo Place
March 10th 1917

had done one or two big things and left the little things alone would make everyone feel good how did you all come through coughs and colds, hope you are all feeling fair, it is hard work when any of you are sick, wish you had half of these tablets these I have used a few of them hope boxes come oftener now, we had a long stay on Vimmy ride and on side of it, are going way to the other side of it now, will be glad to receive a letter to night big pile of boxes comes these nights have a little boil on my left nee, but have kept the most of the little bugs off

[page three:]

To Marguerite Gullen
Echo Place Brantford
Hersin France
March 10th 1917

We have been moving around in one day sleeping places to keep out of the way of troops these days will stay here for some time, hope to the end of the week or ten days, people will see terms is the best way now no people would war again, but they want to go on could have made money at home while this thing is on but thought it would have been over long before this people who are not in it and the ones who have been over here the longest want it to go on Well bye bye think tea will be up

xxxxxxxx dad

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