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Date: August 23rd 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen

Camp Bramshott
Aug 23/16

Dear Mary

We got 2 lbs. to day and we go on pass tomorrow I am going to London the fair is 4S. we get 6 days their is a Soldiers Club their that all who have no people to go to stay at.

I got a letter from Fred to day he said he was going over Dundas St bridge when [we run?] in Toronto, he wrote the 4th I hope I get one from you folks tomorrow I have not mailed any to Fred or George but wrote some on the Boat I think I will send each one a card, We got a pillow and a pallyas or tick for our beds so I will sleep alwright. we get up at 5.30 answer roll make beds breakfast dress for drill and dress exercise dress for this and that dinner at 12 it rained to day but we have had 3 or 4 fine days up the street we have quite a little town and Post Office Salvation Army with Army Chaplain stores of all kinds, we had a good supper to night lots of peaches and cakes I have been eating to much grease but am feeling some better I swet all last night got 5 little pills from the M.O [?] no 9. Mr Best spoke to night at supper some man is to speak down the road in a little while it is now 6.30 I want to here from you people very bad why dint you write to England as I said I would have got one by now or if you had writin to Borden I would get it writ a good newsey letter,

Your old Man

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