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Date: August 25th 1945
Wanda Gill - (wife)
Leslie Gill

#17-back: Addressed to Mrs. L.F. Gill of Victoria, B.C. Message reads “Darling, We are on the last lap now. Just left Campbellton and will be aboard ship by midnight. Phoned Zora from Sudbury and all is O.K. about Pop. He has left there and intends to visit Bill and Ann. Saw the Andersons in Montreal and spent a few jolly hours with them. Please write to Julie soon as you can. Have met some more of the Iroquois crew. I’m in upper 2, car 284 right behind the engine. The diner is miles back, about halfway to Montreal it seems. Pretty near time to start back there for lunch. All is well with me and I hope things are running smoothly back home too. Take good care of each other, cause I love you both. You most of course! Cheerio, Les.”