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Date: November 8th 1944
Jean Latham
Frank Latham

FW Latham P/O
Reykjavik (s)
Iceland (c)
R.C.A.F. Overseas
Nov. 8/44

Dearest Darling.-

Hello my love! have the day off to-day so I’m just taking it awfully easy and catching up on my washing. the mail hasn’t come in for this week yet so I’m looking forward rather anxiously for mail from you! I have to go to town this afternoon and buy myself a pair of shoes I haven’t any soles left on my others and it takes about three months up here to get them repaired. Scotland is quite a place but the people sure know there is a war on everything is rationed even matches they kept us so busy over there without a word of a lie I never washed or took my clothes off for five days (boy was I a mess when I got back here) I’m still trying to get my hands clean? I have quite a collection of coins now I’m saving every different kind I must have $30 worth or more. I have some pictures to send you too but I cant get an envelope long enough as yet?

The days are getting awfully short here snow and the nites are awfully long without you darling but we are about 3rd on the list now for leave so. I live in hopes it will come soon after xmas but the weather is so horrible here you usually have to wait so long to pull out its quite a long trip even by air to Canada

I hope to get to Iceland next week (Bally Kelly) that is one of our diversion station. I have flown more hours here in a month than I did all the time I was on the east coast, they don’t give a damn what the weather is like here you fly anyway. and I’m afraid my nerves are getting a bit jumpy the noise an cold doesn’t do them any good! (along with other conditions)

I got $300 worth of bonds darling I cant afford it but if I haven’t got it I cant spend it? Well darling I guess that will be all for now I must go for now I must go for dinner or I’ll be going without so- until to-morrow all my love and kisses.


P.S. I heard the G.P.O, in Montreal had a fire I wonder if any of your mail was lost I should have numbered my letters so as we could check?

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