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Date: October 13th 1916
Harold Irwin

74 Tunnel Ave.

Oct 13- 16

My Darling Mother

I rec your Dear Letter yesturday with the snaps in. they are fine, you dont look any older at all, Well Mother I have not seen Bert yet. I wrote him a letter some time ago asking him up. But he has not ans it yet. or has not showed his nose around at all; He can go to the Divel for all I care now, Florence is stell fine & Dandy, and not at all sick yet. But expect it will be next week as the baby is geting very low now, and time is up next week too, so I guess it will not be long now, & then I can have her down here with me again, I am feeling fine was up to see her last night. we went to Pictures, I am working real hard every day now, at same old job, But do not expect to be back to Canada for over a year yet, But it can’t come to soon, It will be lovely if you get an Auto for when we return, we sure would have some fun out of it, But there is lots of time yet. No Mother People over here do not have any gold in there teeth, & nearly every bodys teeth are bad, and its enough to make you sick to look at them, I would rather see a mouth full of gold any day like they have over there, then the rotten things they have here

Say Mother if you send me a Parcel at Xmas time send it to shop, send it about the first of November & I will get it all O.K. with-out duty, say you speek about butter & eggs being dear out there, they got you spend here eggs are 60¢ a dozen here & butter is 43¢ a lbs, & people think that is all right, England is realy a dearer place then Canada in many things,

Well Mother the weather has been very nice of late, & nice moon light evening no more Zepp now untell the moon goes away again, every body is scaird to death of Zepps over here. I rather like to see them lievens things up a bit. I have not changed my Bellet yet, But expect to Saturday I am fed up with this place although the landlady has asked us to stay. But the fellow I am with is geting married next month and he is moving out Saturday up to New Cross way that is about 2 miles from here, & nearer town I may go up that way myself. I am am very very sorry B.C. has gone dry, I voted the other way, a great reseption for us poor begars when whe get back, can’t even have a glass of beer, I wish some of them D__ old church People would come over here & do a little fighting & then see if they would stop all the Beer from being sold in B.C.

Well Mother I think this is all for this time, will Write again next week after baby is born. give my love to all at home Hoping they are all well, & your self also as it leaves us both very well

With Love from us both & Baby too, I am as ever your Loving Son Harold

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1916.10.13.01 Irwin.Harold.1916.10.13.02 Irwin.Harold.1916.10.13.03 Irwin.Harold.1916.10.13.04 Irwin.Harold.1916.10.13.05 Irwin.Harold.1916.10.13.envelope