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Date: December 10th 1918
John Hudgins


December 10, 1918

Dear Ollie:


Just a few lines to let you know am still here and kicking like a steer to get out but it’s no use.  Am afraid I have seen old “D” Coy for the last time.  I would not care if there was anything to do here but there isn’t and I can tell you time drags on my hands. 


Well Allie, would have written before but had a letter from Mum last wk. And she said you had gone to Halifax so have been expecting to hear about your trip.  Well Stan Kempton was just in he leaves for home in the morning (lucky beggar) and I can tell you he is some happy kid and no wonder.  You remember I spoke of him awhile ago as being dangerously wounded but he is tough and pulled thru’ not much the worse for wear.  I tell you was glad to see him so husky for I thought a lot of him and the kid Hamilton and thank the Lord they are both out of the woods.  The kid went home about three months ago.  Now if I can only get home that’s the next question for me to think about. 


Well Allie, had another leave, was up to Scotland again.  Only had six days kit leave and had to spend day & night in London, two days in Edinburgh and three on the road.  Went up to Aberdeen.  Traveled by day just to see the country so you see did not have much time to see the city but had a nice time while I was there.  And perhaps I will be able to get up that far again New Years.  If I do will go on up to Inverness for I want to see all I can of the country as long as my money hangs out.  I costs like H_ _ _ for an officer to travel for we have to travel 1st class and put up at swell hotels and I can tell you a pound does not last long, but let her rip, will go as long as I can for we have a long time to be dead.


Oh yes, ran into Son Cochrane at the bank in London but had to tell him who I was and then he would not believe me.  Am afraid I have changed some in the last two years.  Of course I suppose the kilt makes me look different.  I tell you am some swell guy when I get my war paint on.  Well don’t know any news.  Only had a tooth yanked out yesterday and have a face on one like a balloon.  Had to split it in three pieces and kind of cracked my face and the worst of it is have to go back tomorrow and have another one out on the other side but might as well get it thru’ with now as wait till I get home for they are in an awful mess.  Haven’t had them touched for three yrs and haven’t taken any too good care of them so you can imagine what I am in for.


Well it’s 10 o’clock and I reckon I better quit.  Don’t know any news anyway.  Be sure and tell me about your trip and for God’s sake write as often as you can.  The trenches did not turn my hair gray but this life will sure as cats.





Original Scans

Original Scans

Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.12.10 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.12.10 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.12.10 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.12.10 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1918.12.10 Envelope, front. Hudgins, John. 1918.12.10 Envelope, back. Hudgins, John. 1918.12.10