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Date: July 21st 1944

Lt. H.S. Burnard

Somewhere in France
21 July 44

Lt. H.S. Burnard
South Sask R.

Dear Folks-

Well its Sunday so here goes another note. I am with the Unit now and in a rest area. The reason is that they run into a little trouble up front and had to come back and get re-organized. When I wrote my last letter the report came back that only two men had been wounded but they run into some German tanks a few minutes latter and things went bad. The Infantry they run into were dead scared of Canadians and could hardly wait to surrender but the tanks were a different story but it won't happen again.

At present were living in ex-German billets which are much like our own were in England except that they have them very well hidden. They are very clean and comfortable after sleeping in slit trenches. The country here is very nice it's a little warmer than England but damper and more mosquitos but not enough to bother you sleeping without protection.

It rained for almost 24 hrs here the day the Unit went in and what with crawling and being drowned out of slit trenches they were quite a mess. But we'll soon be ready again and I feel sorry for the tank crews the S.S.R's meet in the future.

Thinks look darn good at present and if we can only catch their tanks with ours we'll soon be in Paris. In fact I've started a moustache that I intend to let grow until we get to Paris. It isn't much yet but I think with a little nursing it will develope into something.

How has the hay crop been. I just recieved Ivan's and Mae's letters and was glad to hear things were going O.K. It seems like 20 acres of hay laying cut still breaks the weather.

Well can't think of anything more. At present I've three tie pins that work and three watches that keep time so can't complain. Hope your all well.

Yours Truly
Harvey B.