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Date: November 22nd 1944
Winton George Steel (brother)

Nov. 22/44

Dear Whilltrius!

Hereby is noted yours of 5th & 10th inst. Let me thank you for the enclosed photographen! The one of you is most excellent and indeed portrays your evident present state of mind.

"And George begat Art! and Art begat Wintrius. So was it that this man, Wintrius, was one of noble and righteous mind, having great dislike for certain boors and idiots around him. So he spake to them saying unto them: "Fools! Imbeciles! Hast though not born in mind that those sins that thou hast committed against me might some day be revenged upon?" But Wintrius knew in his keen mind that his sage words fell on deaf ears and were cast away like mastadon dung. So was it. He then took to conspiring unto the betterment of himself in this earthly life and sought information from obscure sources, for it came unto him in a great vision that he had not all the respect due to a person of his talents. Thus he disowned these vile men and went forth to greater things."

Speaking of movies, you must not miss "The Mast of Dimetrios," starring Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre. It is their best.

Yvonne has written to me, enclosing deposit duplicate which clears up the assignment jazz. She bears hopes of seeing much more of you in the future and so do I.

It is settled that I shall be home for Xmas. Dick Bauer is home now and is attempting a discharge.

Got a letter from Mother with enclosed the Honour Roll of Servicemen & Servicewoman who are members of the church.

This station will be closing around March but Flying Control will remain for a while, perhaps myself with them. I am closely following the discharge jazz from the best source of info, but, as you know, I wish to remain in the A.F. as long as possible [symbol for therefore] I won't try for a release.

An appointment is being requested for me to go to Moncton re eyes and teeth. I should go in a few days.

All else goes as usual; I get some great feeds from Lois' place.



*P.S. Laylesse me, Imbecilemen! Raymembah they spousen!

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