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Date: September 8th 1917
Morna [wife]
Dr. Daniel Murray

Sept 8.1917

I just have a minute before dinner to drop a note. This is a beautiful fine sunny day. Just like one of our finest days home and I have been on horseback since 6 o'clock this morning, just sneaking around looking for dirt and have found plenty. I have spent a whole week persuading the O.C. of the area that the Sanitary conditions of the camp were the first requisite, and I am promised that Monday morning will see the beginning of better housing condition. I have a temporary Hospital erected now that will accomodate at least 25 beds, but have a fairly good supply of drugs and that in a week from now I feel I will have things a good deal better. I am beginning to enjoy the horseback riding and find it real good exercise. Fritz has been very quiet to day, not a sight or sound of anything. I think some of his air machines must have come to grief for we have not seen any now for a couple of days and hardly any gun fire today. Guess we will have a quiet Sunday tomorrow. I have a very comfortable bed in my new quarters and the room is real clean but oh the smell of cow manure 's ever with us. I could throw a fishing line out my room window and catch some trout. Wouldn't Carson's eyes stick out if he could do that? They have ponds around here every where for breeding trout and I believe it is quite an industry, but where their resort are looks exactly like our Nova Scotia meadow. Well Honey I think I will have to beat it or I will miss my dinner. Bye bye dearest and kiss yourself and kiddies for me
