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Date: January 11th 1917

Seaford, England
January 11,1917

Mail just came -- got big box from home! Three rousing British cheers!

Dear Folks :

I'm off parade this A.M. so I'll take the chance to write when there isn't a row going on. I was detailed for work in the Orderly Room but finished it bout 9:30 so have the rest of the morning off.

We have another inspection this P.M. Its our own B'n this time and we are all going back for it. Its been raining all morning so it probably won't be very pleasant.

Our work lately has been mostly lectures and range practice. We have been out to the ranges every morning since Sunday -- inclusive shooting at long ranges. There was some pretty punk shooting done altho' I managed to get into first class. Chuck got into the Marksmaen's class with 178 out of 200.

Practically all the 196th are in the school now. There are four companies. Everyone was given the chance but some of them turned it down. What I'm planning on now is finishing my course -- if I ever get to Crowboro' and after I'm gazetted make application for a commission in either the Artillery or Engineers. It will probably mean more school but its far more congenial work and not nearly as unpleasant as far as environment goes. Spud and I had a talk with Capt. Walters -- the 2nd in command of the school and who is a D.M.C. and he told us we could get into any other branch of the service we wanted to - even the A.S.C.

Lawrence left yesterday for France -- or at least he was supposed to go. He and Peaner were up to London last weekend. I could have gone too but I'm saving my leave until I can get a week and then I want to see Scotland or Ireland. I want to make the best of my time here for believe me just as soon a Peace is declared I beat it for old Ed. If I get a commission it will help a lot too in that respect for I won't have to stall around while about a mile of red tape goes thru HQ.

Its funny to think of how we were drilling at Camp Hughes compared to how we do it here. First of all when we "fall-in" we do it on the double. The markers -- or right guides -- are lined up first and then on the bugle call we double into place and if it takes any more than 2 seconds we get called for it. Then when we are called to attention we can move a finger or it means up on the carpet for the major. It looks great to see it from the side lines but isn't any cinch to do. The Adjutant is pretty proud of the bunch for he dosen't have to tell us anything twice. Last Saturday he took us out for a route march with the old 196 Band It was a swell cold crisp morning and we went without great-coats so we all stepped out. We went thru town twice and made a good showing. You sure got to
we are pretty much all 196 in the school.

It came out this morning in the paper that Greece has accepted the Allied terms so things are looking better. Its the general opinion here that the war will be over by summer. Here' hoping so anyway. I'll bet I'll be the first man back. I got three parcels of magazines from Marg the other day, and a box of candy from Mary Martin. I'm looking for the box from home. I've got two coming now besides the second one Marg sent which aught to be here soon. The ist one came thru O.K. and is responsible for my being anxious for the 2nd I guess.

Well nothing for now. More news next time I hope.

Yours as Ever


P.S. Say Mater don't think that its going to be 18 days between letters for I write twice a week.
