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Date: October 10th 1944
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

[envelope addressed to:
Miss Phyllis Cochrane

Tues 10, Oct 1944

Dear Phyllis:

I dont know for sure just when I last wrote but I  do know that it was quite some time ago and that it is high time that I am getting at it.

I received your letter letter of Oct 1st tonight along with one from mother, I am waiting for that parcel. That seems to be all I do, I no sooner get one parcel but what I start looking forward to the next one. I got one from home last sunday night and it was sure swell. Thanks heaps for package of gum, I am sure giving it heck right now. I got a whole carton of gum from Dad a couple of weeks ago so I can chaw for a long time now.

I also have two air mails of yours here, one sent Sept 12 and received on the 19th the other sent Sept 4 but I forget when I received it.

I just got back from leave last Sunday afternoon and it sure is hard to get back to work again. I sure had a nice time. I went to the Knights of Columbus Hospitality bureau and ask if I could get a place on a farm near Wells (Wells is in Somerset and about 20 miles from Parnels). The best they could do is a place near Castle Cary. The reason that I didn’t go to Parnells as I had planned was because they were filled up with evacuees. I arrived at Bartlets about 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Bartlets is the peoples home and they are on a farm about 1½ miles from Castle Cary. It was sure a nice place I didn’t do very much of anything except mooch about and help a little here and a little there I had brought my bike along with the idea of doing some riding but the weather didnt quite suit me so I didnt bother. The first Sunday though, that is a day after I arrived I did ride up to Parnells place which was about 16 miles away. I arrived there about noon and stayed till about 8 p.m. and then took the train back as I felt a bit played out after my morning exercise.

On Friday I left Bartlets and went up to Parnells for the remainder of the week. Saturday aforenoon I rode out to where Mr Parnell works and then rode back with him at noon.

In the evening Mr. Parnell and I went into Frome to the picture show and saw “Hotel Reserve” and “Weekend Pass.” They were both very good.

Sunday Morning I left
[note added at bottom of page:“This was on the paper when I got it”; to the left are two arrows pointing to a squiggly line and to the word “Misur”.]
Parnells about 11:15 in order to have lots of time to catch the 11.42 train. I had lots of time but I had to stand up for about the first three hours. although I didnt  do much standing up if you get what I mean. I just set my pack on the floor and parked myself on it. I arrived in camp about 6:30. Well Phyll I shall have to close for now but will try to write again soon.


P.S. Forgot to mention the Annette has just got out of the Hospital after having an appendicitis operation.
What is the Kinsman Club. You enclosed one of their papers.

Original Scans

Original Scans