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Date: March 22nd 1917
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen

To Mrs WR Gullen
Echo Place
Mar 22 1917

Dear Girl

Have been at same old job carrying rations it is not to bad, Just at this time I saw Geo. Atkins to day he is in the fourth, he looks well but has a light mustash he came to France in Feb. must have been in England for a few months wounded,

The roads are quite soft these days may keep us here for a few more days and some more money, it goes before you know its there times hope you get the little thing I put in the letters I got an old letter of Mothers of Jan 1st the other night was very glad to get it at this time, am very much lost without you I do not meet any who talks in my tone or without using language that spoils the whole thing and they act as though you were week or what you say is not worth anything you were my very best friend and hope always will be, I have my faults which get the better of me at times and a fellow like me they make a big thing out of it, but I am getting on well take it all through, will get on better all through now Joe is one of thoes who rattles any old kind of language making a good fellow with the rest etc etc

The days will be getting longer now hope it is milder over there I have some small fellows on me now will go and get rid of them.

Mar 23/17

I put on some creolene and fixed them O.K. the fellows came from the trenching Batt to day so I would have been no further ahead by being with them have just finished bring up the rations lots of cloths came will get new overcoat and shoes we got our little change again this morning I have sold another Brooch like yours will have more change this time will be able to get some extrys

Write telling all little detales what comes gets from here and what you send over

which the fritzs would go on strike, it would not be long before could get into buisness once more thats the way this thing will end I am much better but had to have new straps put on yesterday I have not taken the training for this drive so will be carring party or in reserve have not heard, havent had any word from home for over three weeks now hope you are all doing well it is about 330 again will get tea up soon I havent spent any yet will go out and get a hot cup of coffee before tea 430

dad Roy

Mar 24/17

P.S. Had a good concert last night from 2nd Batt and Division Minstrels were very good looks as though we go in soon hope get some mail from home to night or tomorrow will send some field card in a few days very good news in this mornings paper we see a great many of our boys coming in these days

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