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Date: January 26th 1917
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen

Pte W R Gullen
Jan 26/17

Dear Girl

I will write a line from here will try to make it more cheerful than some of them glad to be able to tell you I am going to keep working away untill I can get more cheerful I write you most all then would be great to get a parcel to day it is hard to get eats in here it stays good and hard yet, the walking is very slipery on the slat walks fell a few times last night but did not make any sore spots we have to keep a fire most of the time, hope you keep from having your yearly coligh my cold is better am sleeping very good these nights some big pills are dropping near here just we may be in for three this time, it is quiet try and fix up a box every little while it is just the time to get them from now on tell Mother I got the Gum alright some fellows get two or three a week we have wire beds Will have for a few days

I have been out to get water for tea for the cook house we drink lot of tea it is not like yours, it is weeker will soon have to finish we go out after we eat now will have to get water for the morning tea will not get mail for a few days, but I started one out for Don and the rest yesterday will be out in a few days for six days and in again for six then will be out for a rest they say we are in a park or was someday a big estate was a fine place little lake like Grand View boat in it frozen and broken a pipe of running water, has been lot of good looking houses I wrote on the big one the walls are covered with names one of [Bemsts?] in the fourth was hit in the head. Harwood was burried in here the other day, a lot of trees are knocked into and covered with little holes will make lots of good wood the sun is getting low now wish I could walk through the park and come to our house [(A)?] have just been told to get ready to go up in for three hours the worst is getting their so slipery and far we got back at 11 last will be later to night will close with best wishes love hugs and kisses

Your kid W Roy

remmber going across the day we got the house

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