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Date: January 17th 1917
Mary Gullen & children - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen

[Editor’s note: Set of three letters.]


Jan 17/17

Dear Wife

Your letter of the 21st Sep came just to night if you can rember you said some good things that a man likes to hear from a woman when she is his wife this is the letter I should have had the day we left England it would have been just great to have had it just then never the less it is great now this letter of Mothers is a dandy also lots of news I did not get it it is four months since you wrote that letter to days mail has not come in yet if you wrote near New Year will get one soon We get fifteen franc a pay twice a month three dollars does not go far but am doing alright would like to start some small thing to make money when I get home they should call this off in the summer we can make things for the farmers to put tomatoes or potatoes in or something I am glad you got some peaches and tomatoes done down you did work very hard in Sep my dear girl try not to over do it at anytime work and patriotism will do up any person when taken in large doses this will put an end to it for all time if I can come out a live to help the bunch till they are grown up the letter I wrote is in the box were we sleep so can put this in it hope the prices do not go much higher [over?] there or you will not have enough to put you through tell Mother I was glad to read thoes lines she wrote with Bruce and Jack and her own good news in her letter as Father to fine out what the stuff would cost to make barrels and Peach baskets or bushel baskets stuff to make barn brooms something could be done to make a living engine to make cider and chop can get staves and basket stuff at Penetang up north or some place well will close now

W Roy Gullen

[second letter:]

Jan 17/17

Dear Don

I received your letter last night was sorry it did not come through sooner it was a dandy letter you are a fine writer for a boy like you and good news I have left it in my coat where we sleep but I know what you said you had rubbers about the baby crying and Ruth running to Mother to let her know, don’t you wish we were doing things together, I have been thinking what we could do, we mite make barrels or tubs baskets bushel boxes and barn brooms if we can get the stuff at the rite price, if you could get some papers at the rite price you and Stan could make a little change Jack Canucks Saturday evening post Buffalo express etc could get a horn to blow. let them know you are coming the kids have them over here the Mail and Empire and Globe but you are young yet M and Irene might help you get started Wish we had a cooper shop making barrels and had a team to take them to the towns around something we can work at and stay at home it is what I have been thinking about will appreciate working around home after this I know where we could get the stuff the thing is to get working and paying and a good custom, glad your letter came at last it was twenty days older than the other letter Mother wrote your hugs in the squares makes a fellow homesick for the real kind, It may not be longe before we can see one another again Your sidewalk will be a big job to look after when it snows or how do you get it cleaned off and a longe path to the street I think Woodman goes along with his snow plow sometimes well little man glad you told me how to make hugs will send seventeen or umpteen we say

Your old dad
W Roy Gullen

[third letter:]

Jan 17/17

Dear Marguerite and Stan Jack Bruce Ruth and Ivan

Your letter came late but was great You are a great dreamer their is a Walton in the 125 it may be a sign of luck I have not your letter here to answer it properly my coat got wet this morning with snow it has been snowing all day to day about 3 inches hope it is gone soon we stayed inside and cleaned bombs for a little while, I may get a letter from you all to night again or Freds and Georges Grandma G sorry Mother did not get the Money sooner [9 oc?] hope she gets everything O.K I hope you can make some home made stuff to put in a parcel  next time they are coming good after the Xmas season, My money does not last longe enough this last twice has been doing ten days no pay the fellow next to me lately I have lost a dinner pail and rubbers cost me about five francs did not have any luck there at all does your shoes and rubbers cost very much more now I am going to get a few tablets from MO for a cold this afternoon I fell a sleep for a second just now my feet swet and get cold easy these days thoe socks of Agnes are in the wash and my money is gone but will get them out somehow will close now my dear I did not take good care of my money this time serves me right

Your old dad
W Roy Gullen

[also enclosed with the letters was a scrap of paper with a short written note:]
I have got my washing to night and a letter from Fred and Agnes I borrowed enough to get wash

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