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Date: April 3rd 1885
Father - (John Brophy)
Lewis Brophy

Dog Lake 1. a.m.
Apr 3rd 1885

Dear Father

As this is the last chance I shall have of writing until I get to Winnipeg I suppose you will like to hear how things are going. We have been getting along first rate and the only thing which is not going right is want of sleep of which we have been getting very little.

This is the roughest country I ever saw the only houses being the R’y construction depots. There is only one cow between here and Pembroke. I am two Dollars richer then when I left Ottawa. I made it out of a confidence man at Biscotasing.

This is the end of the Eastern Division of the C.P.R. and in about an hour we take trains for a ride of 53 miles and will halt at 6.30 for Breakfast. We get any important news from the operators along the line. We are all fitted out with beef skins and they are very comfortable.

This letter will be given to the Conductor to take back to Biscotasing as the mails leave here only once a week, this is about 150 miles further on than Biscotasing.

If there is any news of a serious nature I will find out at Winnipeg and will wire you to take out a war [p?] from the Insurance company although I do not think they would contest a claim under the circumstances Excuse writing but the road is very rough and the cars are shaking. I have now got to end as the Conductor is going back to Biscotasing.

With love to all
Your aff Son

If anything new of much importance wire me to Winnipeg as I do not think that I shall be long enough there for a letter to reach me. However if you send it to Pte. L Brophy “Ottawa Sharpshooting Corps” I have no doubt it will be forwarded all right as they will have military Post Offices.

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