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Date: October 8th 1918
Mother – (Mary Davis)
Worth Davis

No. 103.

My Dear Mater,

It is some time since I wrote Dad, but have none of his letters to answer and have a couple of yours. There should be another mail tho, between now and Sunday. If all is well, I will be outside starting Sunday next and hope the change will do me good, altho I have been feeling mighty well lately.

The sweater has come thro O.K. and will be fine this minter, thanks very much for it.

I was down for a walk this afternoon, nothing much doing tho, so I went to a movie. It was a little hard following the plot unless you understand French well, and I do not.

I guess you have had rather heavy casualty lists for a few weeks, but they have no doubt let up before this. Hope the recent peace talk hasn’t excited you all very much, because it will be some little time yet, before Germany will come to our peace terms, which they must do eventually.

If you have any old Observers or Liberals please send them. I haven’t had a home paper for three or four months. I wish you could find out what is wrong. I got the Saturday Night O.K., that Nerta sent, thanks. I haven’t heard from Walt Barnard for some time and am rather anxious. Do hope he is come thro O.K.

It is a mighty good thing the last part of that cable was balled up a little.

You had not told me that Margaret’s husband was ill, what was wrong with him?

Paul Andrews has left for home now; I think and will no doubt be down to see you, altho he will be very busy as he will be much later arriving home than he expected.

Don’t get anxious when the mail doesn’t come thro, because if there is anything wrong, you will know it much faster than the mails go, and just now there are more important things than mails to occupy the boats.

I am glad parcel arrived O.K. There never was any danger of us going to Siberia; but I saw those things and thought I had better send them when I had the opportunity as you never know where you will be. What about Mir’s. hairpin holder? That is the first time you said anything about it. Did some one “pinch” it?

I hear Vas had gone back to Blighty for his commission. Glad he made it, but hope he was not in for the last affair.

Tell Mis Perdy that Capt Young has left us. I think he is in Oshwa of up around there. He was not in France long with us and I think he has charge of a hospital now.

Love to all,
your loving son,

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