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Date: September 7th 1944
Audrey Addison – (friend)
Bill Curtis


Sept 7/44

My Dearest Audrey:

Hi there darlin, hope you’ll excuse the pencil this time, but I forgot to bring me ink with me on leave. I saw your aunt-uncle and cousin in Glasgow before I came down here to London, fact is that is the first stop I made. I came down to London just in case I had some trouble finding Buzz but after asking a few phone calls to various army and medical headquarters I found him alright. I spent the first couple of days looking around this place then I went down to where Buzz was at; he had (has) a 24 hour pass so we both came up to London and are now at the Canadian Legion Club I sent him a telegram on Tues., reading “Greetings Gate will see you on Thursday,” and it took him over two hours to find out what it meant; a corporal finally told him.

He is here right now with me and it sure is swell, believe me; you should get our letters at the same time – we hope –. I broke my pencil in ½ so that we could both write at the same time; the darn lead keeps breaking in my ½ tho. We came up with brother of Buzz’s pal in France, and is he a screwball – wow. We sure had a gay time “sipping” a couple of pints down in the Stand, that is right near Trafalgar Square. Fred Morrison (the fellows name) had to get the train to Edinbourgh so what happens, we darn near gets lost in a couple of tube stations and it was over half an hour of riding on the underground before we got to where we wanted to go; Blimey what a time and honey-chile I shore aint  a kidding either. Buzz has to go back to-morrow at 12 o’clock as he has leave till 2, so, this is our last night to-gether till he gets home which is very soon I hope. I should be home by the end of this month so when you receive this You can stop writing, till you hear from me, probably by telegram and then again I might surprise you and just walk in on you. Well my darling this is about all for now but I’ll be writing again real soon. Give my love to your Mom, Dad, Mary, Brenda and Dolly, say hello to all the gang for me. Sure love and miss you an awfully lot hon but it won’t be long now. “Cheerio” hon,

All my Love and Millions of Kisses
X Bill xxxxx

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