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Date: May 21st 1943
Mother - (Florence Grace Gray)
John Teaton Gray

My address:
Ord. Smn. John T. Gray
 H.M.C.S Cornwallis
Effingham Block Dorm 6
Deepbrook, Nova Scotia

Dear Mother;

I am in Deepbrook learning how to be a good sailor. It sure is a big camp. I just got back from a movie show, over in the stoker’s mess. Nova Scotia is a lot further ahead of you as far as spring is concerned. All the trees are leaved out down here.

I'll be down here about 6 weeks and then back to Halifax for another course. The living quarters down here are swell compared to the last place I was in. However, all I'm wishing for is to finish my course and get back to Halifax, and best of all, to get to sea. I suppose as soon as I get to sea I’ll want to get back on shore.

Well I must close; I just wanted to let you know I am O.K. Give the family my love

your loving son

P.S. The pen works swell.


[Editor’s note: The letter was dated from the envelope’s postmark.]

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