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Date: November 1918

Nov. 1/18 -
This morning walked up around section near Bank of England. George went to his bank - we went in the Stock Exchange to see Painting - a modern [unreadable/missing] picture of the King & Generals on Western Front. Home early.

Nov. 2/18 -
I rushed over to the tailor this morning. Hill Brother, Old Bond St. also to the Bank & bought some incidentals then met George & had lunch at Canadian Officers Club. In pm went to Patriotic meeting at Albion Hall & heard old Horatio Botaling expand. Went Muriel & Pat for tea at Murrays then to “Nothing hit the truck” at Savoy.

Nov. 3/18 -
Up late - raining gloomy Sunday. Geo & I went to a concert at the Colosseum Patriotic - very good. Had dinner at Regents Palace.

Nov. 4/18 -
A fine bright morning - went shopping & the Bank. Suit - blouse to Ether & Edna. Had dinner alone at Bollomos.

Nov. 5/18 -
Went up to D.M.S. office with Geo. Caught 2:17 train to West Mallering for tea with Miss Kingdon & Miss Biddell at the [Defost?]

Nov. 6/18 -
War news is wonderful - [unreadable/missing], Bulgaria then Austria out & this am’s paper says Hun retreating on 75 mile front again. Had long walk to neighbouring town with Miss Kingdon & this afternoon & evening stayed about the home.

Nov. 7/18 -
Went for walk with Miss Biddell & Miss Kingdon and left West Mallering for London on the 3pm train. Met George at hotel & went to Simpsons Inn for dinner & to “The Hidden Hand” after - punk.

Nov. 8/18 -
Went to tailors. In evening went to “Going Up” - very good.

Nov. 9/18 -
Went to Bank & Libertys then took 3:45 train from Waterton to Godaiming. It was Lord Mayors day & I had great difficulty reaching station. Tubways blocked also bridges & streets. The girls met me at station.

Nov. 10/18 -
Had a fine day with the Mitchells - had breakfast in bed then went for a walk with Gladys & Eileen up to Charterhouse. Very good news - Kaiser & Crown Prince abdicate.

Nov. 11/18 -
NEWS OF ARMISTICE AT 11:00 am. Arrived back in London about 12:30. News just received of signing of armistice - people mad - streets blocked. I couldn’t get in a restaurant for dinner. Geo & I went to “Halloo America” & to Savoy after.

Nov. 12th -
Sailed from Folkenstone to Bologne - lights on and no air raids -

Nov. 13th -
Left Bologne & got to Arras at 5:30 - late as darn train ran off the track. Put up at the Saskatoon Club. Hear Canadian Corps near Mons.

Nov. 14th -
Finally found the 14th at Thulin

Nov. 15th -
Great preparation to march to the Rhine.

Nov. 16th -
Called at 3:30am to see Father McPherson at 66th - Ptomaine poisoning, many ill.

Nov. 18th -
Up at 2:45 - moved out 4am. A long tiresome march Cambron St. Vincent - too cold to ride. A good billet with a Belgian Dr.

Nov. 21st -
Up at 5am - heavy fog - marched until 1pm - arrived Braine-Le-Comte.

Nov. 22nd -
Quite a number sick. That evening my tunic arrived from Hill .Bros. London. Very poor fit around collar. Bill Abbott sick - Stanton going to try to get ambulance to take him tomorrow.

Nov. 24th -
One of the hardest days we’ve had - neither horses nor men had rest nor food. Arrived Longpigne 5pm.

Nov. 25th -
Several off to hospital. Left 1pm for Villers La Ville. H.Q. in Chateau of M. Dumont de Chassart - wonderful dinner for the men - famous ruins near by of the Abbe Villers monastery built in 1100 - destroyed in Napoleonic wars.

Nov. 27th -
Left 6am - glow in sky which turned out to be the 60th battery billet - they lost 12 sets of harness & 4 horses. Arrived Gelbresse, through Ardennes forest at 7pm - men & horses fagged -waggon train lost - no rations & no outs for animals.

Nov. 28th -
To [Hungeon?] - more rain - billeted with Village Cure - promised to send him an electric torch like mine when I return to Canada - it looks a long way off...

Nov. 29th -
Left 9am - no rations. 11am ball up - infantry in the village so had a 2 hr. wait in \ the road. Found billets in Surlemez.

Nov. 30th -
Left 9am - crossed river Meuse about 11 near Adenelle. DIV train can’t keep up with rations. Horses having a very hard time & a few dying.


[Editor's note: Transcription and transcription annotations provided by collection donor; minor formatting changes have been made to layout and to clearly mark transcriber’s annotations.]
