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Date: February 4th 1943
Jean Latham
Frank Latham

AC2 Latham F. W.
#178382 #45.F.T.S.
Saskatoon, Sask.
Feb. 4/43

Dearest Jeanie.-

I received your most welcome letter to-day. I am sure glad to hear you have the kids with you again, I’m sure you will feel a lot better. Darling I would sure love to come home next weekend but my restricted priveleges doesn’t end until Monday. I sure have been feeling blue about the whole set up here, and darling I miss you so much If they don’t hurry up and move us out of here I think I will do something drastic! Its just 1 a.m. now and Im waiting to go on guard at 3.a.m. but guard duty is better than doing the damn joe jobs they give all day (thank Christ I miss them) Riley has been in the hospital for the last few days with a cold, sore throat etc. I guess he will be out to-morrow As soon as I get off my R.P. Monday I am going out and get so drunk I wont know my name, but I might possibly be able to get home next week and we’ll get drunk as skunks to-gether but I suppose that will be another pipe dream although if I behave myself we are slated for a forty eight on the weekend after this one but it would be just my luck to get stuck for fire picket or some other bloody duty. Oh darling I’m just dying to see you and the kids again this dragging of time around here gives a person to much time to think and Im beginning to wonder if its worth it? The Christly war is going to be over before we ever get thru our course at the rate this class is going (by the way our class at this station is A 13 note the number) no wonder we are stuck. Darling I guess this is a pretty horrible letter but I do love you terribly, and I guess no one should know it better than you by now. The weather here is lousy again snow and blizzardy, I tried to phone you Wed. nite darling I just felt lonely, and wanted to talk to you. I guess I shouldn’t phone you because I suppose it worries you to a certain extent when I phone and you are not home. (by the way where were you) Everybody in our hut has the craps again I had an awful time last nite on guard duty because you cant leave your post until you are relieved and all the guards had to go nearly all nite (it was caused by lousy food I guess) otherwise I’m getting fat and lazy.

Well honey I guess I’ll close and write mother a line to tell her Im well and ok and all the rest of the B.S. I owe her a letter so goodbye for now darling with all my love & kisses.


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