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Date: July 13th 1917
Mr. Robertson (father)
S. Hoddy [?]

July 13th.


Excuse me taking the unpardonable liberty of writing you but I felt it right that I should do so in duty bound. I (3 A.M. [Air Mechanic, 3rd Class?] Oddie) being Captain Robertson’s servant and was entrusted by him with a sealed envelope to be posted in case of his death, which I regret to state he met with on July 12th whilst nobly doing his duty. I would be gratefully pleased if you would inform me when you receive the said mail as I will then know I have been true to my trust.

3 A.M. Oddie
11 Squadron, R. F. C.
[postscript "(S. Hoddy)"]

[The envelope mentioned above was most likely that of the letter written on May 3, 1917, which begins "My dear Father:- I have asked them to send this letter to you and a somewhat similar one to Molly, in case I am reported killed or missing."]

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