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Date: February 7th 1917
Dear Ones All

No. 19 R.S.
Royal Flying Corps
Hounslow Heath

Dear Ones All,

Letters to "Us Two" from Father, Mother, May and Ruth arrived, a few days ago. You may be sure those letters had been eagerly looked for day by day ever since our wedding by Molly particularly I think because she felt that her entry into the family had been somewhat sudden and unceremonious and naturally she was correspondingly pleased to receive your welcome. We both agreed that Father’s little note was just the loveliest thing we had ever read. If that recipe of yours, Father, is the secret of the married happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robertson, you may be sure we shall do our utmost to follow it through, for we both want to be just exactly like you and Mother in our relations to each other both now at the outset and after we have been married for fifty years.

By the way, when at lunch the other day at Romans’s Molly quite by accident overheard a man say that "Norman Robertson of Walkerton is a prince!" It would spoil a good story to tell you all about it, still you might as well know that it was Major Moffat of the 160th Canadians who made the remark. You see how your fame is spreading.

My examinations at Reading came off better than I expected, as I managed somehow to pull down the best marks of the bunch on every subject but one- "Bombs" There were eight of us who tried, the exam, five of them being fellows who had served with the R.F.C. in France as observers.

It makes me shriek with laughter every time I think of myself as an authority even in a very small way, on the lubricating system of a Gnome, or the thrust of a Renault, or the wiring of a transmitter set of a wireless outfit. Isn’t it perfectly absurd! It’s a great thing to be a good bluffer sometimes. Anyhow I have got my “Certificate A" now and my wings are within reaching distance. It is chiefly a question of weather and luck but I shouldn’t be surprised if I became a "pukka" flying officer by the end of Feb. Here’s hoping!

Molly is still at the Kingsley Hotel and I go in to town every afternoon after flying is over, and return at about ten o’clock in the evening. There is no immediate cause for worry about her getting some work. We don’t mind economizing a little and we can get along nicely if we cut down on anything which might be classed as luxuries. It won’t be long, however, before she will be starting in to work, I think, for we have several lines out and although there is a marked surplus of military nurses there are still occasional openings in civilian hospitals.

I have just managed to find out where Pat Shaw is. Met Ambert Veitch and Roy Whitehead the other day and got his address and yesterday I had a letter from him so now we’ll arrange to have a family reunion as soon as possible.

Must close now, Dear People. With heaps of love to you all in which I know Molly would join if she were here.

Yours as always,

Original Scans

Original Scans
